Make a content strategy. Part 1.

content strategy for the web

The web has been with us for about 15 years.  Yet, content still doesn’t get the respect it deserves.  We focus on tools, platforms and somehow forget that the web is about content.

Let’s make 2012 the year we get serious about content.  Good web content requires thought and strategy.  Simply put, you need to align your web content and business goals.  This is the heart of your content strategy.

List your short term goals, long term goals and plans for the coming year.  Know who you are trying to reach and the messages you need to tell them.   Then make a plan to achieve it.  Make sure you have enough content to achieve your goals but not too much.

Too much content makes it hard for people to find what they are looking for.   Content strategist Kristina Halvorson has an easy rule regarding what you don’t need.  Unless your content supports a key business objective or helps a user complete a task, it’s useless.

Kristina’s book Content Strategy for the Web teaches you how to create a content strategy and achieve meaningful web content.  If you want to take your website to the next step, hers is a voice you want to hear.

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