Sint, clarity and a wonderful experience

Every year at this time, I forget about clarity and let the magic of Sinterklaas take me to another place.

I remember my first December 5 in Amsterdam.  There was a loud bang on the front door. When I answered it, there were two presents: one for my wife and one for me.  Both had poems attached signed by Sint and Piet.  I was both excited and curious.

I had only been in the country a few weeks and was feeling a bit blue.  Sint seemed to know this. That present put a big smile on my face.  There was no clarity as to who sent the present but that didn’t matter.  Someone thought enough about me to create a wonderful experience.

Takeway –  Only if you understand someone’s needs, be it a website visitor or a new neighbor, can you create a truly special experience.  And if you do, that person will never forget.

Like this post?  Share it.  Written by Don Seidenberg.

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